Monday, February 16, 2009


NOT ME! Na uhhh! I did not just medicate my 15 year old daughter with 50 mg of Benadryl for her cold, cough, PMS, emotional melt down including "it's 7:29 and I'm missing my show that comes on at 7:30" in a shrill voice in the truck on the way home ......(never mind that I have been up since 4AM with 3 hours sleep and worked 11 hours today working with profoundly mentally ill people)................... with the secret hope that it would knock her out! I would NEVER do that! Goodnight sweetheart!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

"Hanging Out" Teenage Girls/Do you let her walk alone?

What exactly is "hanging out" if you are a teenage girl? It seems that it is meeting the friend and then "walking around" with the friend. Maybe stopping to get a drink at the Wa Wa (like 7 Eleven) or a slice of pizza. The friends stay together, but the hitch is that my daughter wants to walk alone to meet the friend. I do not know about what other parents, but I DO NOT let her walk ALONE anywhere! Evidently, I am being overprotective and she thinks that I am "paranoid" and of course she doesn't think anything will EVER happen to HER. And oh of course, the friend's mom lets HER walk alone to their meeting point ( about 1/2 mile between our 2 homes). So is the risk of my over-protection and her rebellion greater than the risk of her being accosted or abducted during these short walks alone? ....I DON'T CARE! I drive her to the meeting place anyway and she has to bear my presence........and then there is getting home...........

Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Valentines!!

2 of my Valentine's!! The "teeney boppers bubbles". hmmmmm..................they were sweet little babies and now they are just ODD!...and "cool".

Saturday, February 7, 2009


I thought that I would "create" a couple of NEW blog terms.....kind of originals like "NOT ME MONDAY" and "WORDLSS WEDNESDAY". Much to my chagrin ( a word I never use when I am speaking), I found that I truly am NOT creative or original in this area! I thought that "blog envy" was my new term for a person who mocks another persons logging efforts while not posssessing a blog of his or her own. (you know who you are) but.................... "BLOG ENVY" is defined in the URBAN DICTIONARY as:

(1) The jealousy you feel when you see another blog getting recognition in the mainstream press. (2) The jealousy you feel when you realize that your friend's blog is more popular than yours. Not at all what I thought!!!...and add insult to injury.............. Thursday I was feeling warm and fuzzy about 2 things that I thought I could turn into a blog entry. One was that my husband is still nice to me after being together for MANY years (cannot post the actual number in case my daughter suddenly develops math skills and figures out how I was when I started dating!) and the other thing I was happy about was....I wish I could remember now. I think my daughter may have been being nice to me on the same day??!!! So I "created" the term "THANKFUL THURSDAY" Na uuhhh!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

SWEETENING UP my BLOG BACKGROUND with some Blog Hygiene!

Some wonderful BLOG HYGIENE provided by Sarah aka "A SMALL SLICE" !! I do not have the patience to figure our such artistic credit to Sarah, Mommy of B and Weesie!!